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Julia McBryant

author : Julia McBryant

Julia McBryant is, as the saying goes, Southern born, Southern bred, and when she dies, she’ll be Southern dead. A resident of the prettiest city in the world, McBryant yearns for the slant of light in Rome, the taste of oxtail and grits in the winter, and giant moonsnail shells on the beach at Tybee. She is owned by three children and three dogs, and enjoys caffeine, unicorns, and unicorns on caffeine. When she isn’t writing, she’s writing. \n\nHer favorite character that she's ever written is Audie Currell, from The Low Country Lovers series. He's her precious baby and brings out her best prose. The character most like her is Isa Sims: she just wrote herself. But if Jax Littleton ever shows up at her door, she's leaving her husband. Straight-out, no question, she's in that Porsche and off into the sunset.

Julia McBryant Book Series